If you are looking for a new source of test questions, I have a set of nine unit tests covering all AB topics and another set covering all BC topics.
Each set of tests contains a total of about 150 multiple choice questions. Some are designed to be done with a calculator and some without. They also include a variety of free response questions. Some are short answer and others are AP style multi-part questions. As with the multiple choice some of these free response questions are designed to be done with a calculator and some without. The tests come with a step-by-step test key and suggested scoring rubric.
One set of tests described above comes with the purchase of a classroom set of student texts. If you want a second option my Form B tests are written to be the same difficulty and the same format but with completely different questions.
These tests are written to accompany The Essentials of Calculus With Early Transcendentals and Calculus Extended With Early Transcendentals but they are fully editable word documents and could be used with any text. For teachers not using my texts the Form B tests can be purchased separately.
Contact me if you would like me to email a sample test.