The Essentials of Calculus with Early Transcendentals is designed to be used as a consumable text. Space is provided for each student to fill in solutions to the carefully chosen examples. Instructors can choose to present the example solutions in a classroom situation, use a video presentation, have students work in groups to develop the example solutions, or a combination of approaches. Online video presentations of the lesson example solutions are available for student or teacher viewing
All content required for AP Calculus AB™ is covered in 42 lessons and assignment sets. These lessons are divided into 8 units with a review lesson included in each. All 42 lessons include cyclical review questions so that students maintain proficiency on all previous concepts in the course. Answers to selected assignment problems are included in the back of the book. There is also a unit of 7 lessons (Unit 0) covering prerequisite material for teachers wishing to use it. Each lesson is designed to require the same amount of classroom time with the possible exception of the Unit 0 review lessons. Typically, teachers spend two traditional school days or one block schedule day on each lesson. This makes the task of planning/pacing extremely simple.
The assignments have AP-type problems embedded throughout. These start out as short problems with increasing complexity as students learn more concepts. The content revisions for the 2017 AP™ test have been included.
The sequence of topics is compatible with that in the College Board AP Calculus AB Course and Exam Description (CED). In some cases, the topics within a unit are covered in a different order. Also in some cases, topics are introduced earlier than in the CED.. No topics have been moved to later units. This is so that the Personal Progress Checks in AP Classroom, the College Board online resources, can be assigned at the end of each unit.
The printed texts can be purchased individually or in quantity by a school with a Purchase Order or by credit card. Schools purchasing a classroom set or more will receive pdf files of example solutions, pdf files of step-by-step solutions to assignment problems, editable word documents of tests, pdf files of test keys, editable word documents of daily warm-up quizzes, pdf files of quiz keys, and a collation of AP™ review materials.
A second option is available for schools wanting to deliver content to students digitally and/or to self-print student texts. With a one-time charge schools can purchase a Site License. This option comes with all the same teacher support materials as well as a pdf of the complete student text. In addition, schools purchasing a license qualify for discounted pricing on printed texts.
See PRICING & PAYMENT for more information.
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View Sample Lesson

Authors: J. Michael Shaw & Gary L. Taylor
Calculus Extended with Early Transcendentals is designed to be used as a consumable text. Space is provided for each student to fill in solutions to the carefully chosen examples. Instructors can choose to present the example solutions in a classroom situation, use a video presentation, have students work in groups to develop the example solutions, or a combination of approaches. Online video presentations of the lesson example solutions are available for student or teacher viewing.
All content required for AP Calculus BC™ is covered in 54 lessons and assignment sets. All 54 lessons include cyclical review questions so that students maintain proficiency on all previous concepts in the course. Answers to selected assignment problems are included with each lesson. Each lesson is designed to require the same amount of classroom time. Typically, teachers spend two traditional school days or one block schedule day on each lesson. This makes the task of planning/pacing extremely simple.
The assignments have AP-type problems imbedded throughout. These start out as short problems with increasing complexity as students learn more concepts. The content revisions for the 2017 AP™ test have been included.
The sequence of topics is compatible with that in the College Board AP Calculus AB Course and Exam Description (CED). In some cases, the topics within a unit are covered in a different order. Also in some cases, topics are introduced earlier than in the CED. No topics have been moved to later units. This is so that the Personal Progress Checks in AP Classroom, the College Board online resources, can be assigned at the end of each unit.
The printed texts can be purchased individually or in quantity by a school with a Purchase Order or by credit card. Schools purchasing a classroom set or more will receive pdf files of example solutions, pdf files of step-by-step solutions to assignment problems, editable word documents of tests, pdf files of test keys, editable word documents of daily warm-up quizzes, pdf files of quiz keys, and a collation of AP™ review materials.
A second option is available for schools wanting to deliver content to students digitally and/or to self-print student texts. With a one-time charge schools can purchase a Site License. This option comes with all the same teacher support materials as well as a pdf of the complete student text. In addition, schools purchasing a license qualify for discounted pricing on printed texts.
See PRICING & PAYMENT for more information.
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View Sample Lesson

Authors: J. Michael Shaw & Gary L. Taylor
Brief Calculus Extended is designed for students who have completed AP Calculus AB™ and are currently preparing for AP Calculus BC™. All content previously required for Calculus AB is covered briefly. Each lesson includes a few more complex or more AP-like examples and problems. A review assignment is included for each of units 1-8. The additional topics required for AP Calculus BC are presented as in-depth lessons. All BC level lessons include cyclical review questions so that students maintain proficiency on all previous concepts in the course. Answers to selected assignment problems are included with each lesson. Each of these BC lessons is designed to require the same amount of classroom time. Typically, teachers spend two traditional school days or one block schedule day on each lesson. This makes the task of planning/pacing extremely simple
Brief Calculus Extended is designed to be used as a consumable text. Space is provided for each student to fill in solutions to the carefully chosen examples. Instructors can choose to present the example solutions in a classroom situation, use a video presentation, have students work in groups to develop the example solutions, or a combination of approaches. Online video presentations of the lesson example solutions are available for student or teacher viewing.
The assignments have AP-type problems imbedded throughout. These start out as short problems with increasing complexity as students learn more concepts. The content revisions for the 2017 AP™ test have been incorporated.
The sequence of topics is compatible with that in the College Board AP Calculus AB Course and Exam Description (CED). In some cases, the topics within a unit are covered in a different order. Also in some cases, topics are introduced earlier than in the CED. No topics have been moved to later units. This is so that the Personal Progress Checks in AP Classroom, the College Board online resources, can be assigned at the end of each unit.
The printed text are sold individually or in quantity to a school with a Purchase Order or by credit card. Schools purchasing a classroom set or more will receive pdf files of example solutions, pdf files of step-by-step solutions to assignment problems, editable word documents of tests, pdf files of test keys, editable word documents of daily warm-up quizzes, pdf files of quiz keys, and a collation of AP™ review materials.
A second option is available for schools wanting to deliver content to students digitally and/or to self-print student texts. With a one-time charge schools can purchase a Site License. This option comes with all the same teacher support materials as well as a pdf of the complete student text. In addition, schools purchasing a license qualify for discounted pricing on printed texts.
See PRICING & PAYMENT for more information.
View Table of Contents
View Sample Brief AB Topic Lesson
View Sample In-depth BC Topic Lesson

Authors: J. Michael Shaw & Gary L. Taylor